Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A little history about Jelinek Cork and fishing floats

During the 1970s, cork fishing floats represented a good portion of Jelinek Cork sales. The interesting thing was these floats were not new and they were not used for fishing. Rather, they were used floats and they were hung as decorations in many seafood restaurants and bars across North America.

Henry Jelinek tells us the story:
"We obtained these floats by travelling to fishing villages and towns surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. We purchased the floats used on fish nets directly from the fishermen. They were happy to sell them to us because they could use the money to buy new floats. I often think they thought we were a bit crazy buying old floats from them ... especially since they could buy new floats and still have some money left over. In most cases, the new floats were purchased from us as well .... so it was a good deal all around."

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