Friday, March 5, 2010

You open a bottle of wine, you drink the bottle of wine. Now you have an empty glass bottle and (hopefully) a natural wine cork. The glass bottle can be recycled or returned for a deposit (depending where you live) but what will you do with the wine cork? All natural wine corks can be recycled and repurposed into something else (ie. cork flooring, bulletin boards, cork wall panels). You can contact us as we'll gladly accept them or bring them to a Whole Foods market. You could also be creative and reuse those wine corks. Save them in a jar or vase for a decorative look and then, when you're ready, get busy!

Its amazing what people come up with:

From crafts such as this beautiful cork wreath:

To displays/bulletin boards (in this case a restaurant menu board):

To whole homes covered in wine corks:

The Calgary Zoo in Canada even uses a wine cork in their piranha aquarium:

If you'd like to share your use for natural wine corks, please let us know.


Anonymous said...

Very cool! Also, check this out: The world's largest cork mosaic:

Anonymous said...

Love your ideas! Check out my recycled cork necklace:

Jelinek Cork Group said...

Thanks! Your recycled cork necklace is a great idea and looks great too!